The Biographical Sketch for
Bishop William B. Roberson
Bishop William B. Roberson is a proud native of Campti, Louisiana. Knowing that he had a special calling on his life, William Roberson began preaching at the early age of fourteen. He received his preaching license at the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Campti, Louisiana in August of 1988 and shortly afterward began seminary school at the Natchitoches Branch of the United Theological Seminary School from 1989-1991. Under the leadership of Moderator Ike Bogan, Bishop Roberson served as a Missionary of the 12th District Baptist Association for a year. William Roberson graduated from Campti High School in May 1991. Following graduation, he attended Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA from August 1991 to November 1993 majoring in Medical Engineering.
In January 1994, Bishop Roberson continued to pursue the call on his life and was ordained to preach at the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church. Two years later, Pastor Roberson received his first pastoral assignment at the New Prosperity Baptist Church in Clay, Louisiana where he served a year as Youth Pastor which preceded eight years of pastoral leadership.
Pastor Roberson continued learning and growing in ministry through the Interdenominational Theological College of Atlanta Grambling Branch directed by Dr. J. Thomas in July 1999 and the E.K Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference in 2000, which he continues to attend yearly. In 2008, he graduated with over 30 hours of continuing education credits from the E.K Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference Core Curriculum. Seven years later, he graduated from the Advanced Curriculum from the E.K. Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference.
Bishop Roberson married his collegiate sweetheart, Jacqueline Roberson in June 2001. Two children were born to this union. Together they parent five children. Later in 2001, Bishop Roberson became a member of Avenue Baptist Church under the leadership of Dr. C.L. Hicks Sr. in Shreveport, LA.
In December of 2003, Bishop Roberson was called to serve as the pastor of the North Star Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. of Powhatan, Louisiana and has served there for the past sixteen years. Through his leadership, many people have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Bishop Roberson has served in several leadership roles extending beyond ministry. He has served as the Past Master of Silver Square Lodge #49 of Robeline, Louisiana and currently serves as the Second Vice President of the NAACP Natchitoches Branch.
Bishop Roberson enjoys fishing, hunting, watching westerns, meeting new people, and cooking. His passion for barbequing has deemed him to be known as “The Mogee Man”- often imitated, never duplicated.
Bishop William B. Roberson continues to seek God, serve others, teach the word of God, and see the discipleship process manifest where spiritually mature believers arise to impact the world for Christ.
734 Highway 485 Natchitoches (Powhatan), LA 71457 (318) 352-9856 Email us: Northstarmbc@yahoo.com Mailing address: P.O. Box 2647 Natchitoches, LA 71457