North Star Baptist Church was organized in 1921 by a small group of Christian Believers holding Sunday school in the jail and the Spanish Lake School.  The organizing of the Church was under the leadership of the late Rev. Davis Williams.  Rev. Williams served as pastor for eight years.  During his leadership the first baptizing was on August 21, 1921.  There were fifteen baptized.  Some of those baptized were the late deacons McHenry Williams, Pat Henry, the late sisters Leona Williams, Blan Williams and Lucille Jackson Madison who now lives in Shreveport, Louisiana.  The church services continued in the jail and the school.  Also during this time Sunday school was held on the porch of the late Sister Frances Kay.

In 1928, the members got the idea they needed land to build a church.  Mrs. Jane Hickman, a member of the church, who was working for the Ballot family, asked Mr. Ballot to talk with Mr. Watson, President of Exchange Bank of Natchitoches, about acquiring land for a church.  At this time Mr. Watson, sent for the officers of the church to discuss the land matter.   Those members who went to see Mr. Watson were Deacons Dave Williams, McHenry Williams, and Sister Hurley Ficklan.  The Agreement was settled and the land was donated by Mr. Watson.

After the land was donated, the members decided to build a “brush abhor” until they could afford to build a church.  They gathered the brush and brought it to the designated grounds on wagons.  The brush abhor was completed in time for the 1928 revival.  During this time more than twenty souls were saved. Services were held in the brush abhor until the fall of the year and then moved back to the jail due to weather conditions.  Shortly afterwards Reverend Williams moved on and the Reverend Larry Thomas was elected to serve as Pastor in 1929.

Reverend Thomas served as Pastor until 1950.  Under his leadership the regular service  changed from third Sundays to first Sundays.  Many souls were saved and baptized.  Many deacons were ordained and the Usher Board was organized.  Deacons serving with Reverend Thomas were Charlie Chambers, Dave Williams, Bennie Davis, Cedric Crayton, John Brown, Charlie King, Louis Madison, Frankie Lee Jackson, and A.J. Garner.

During these early years of the Church the only means of transportation was walking.  It was a time when they would leave home walking and singing along the way.   As each family or member made their way along to the church they would stop by each house and others would come out and join in singing and praising God on their way to church.  By the time these faithful members reached the church ground the Spirit was already there.  North Star was nick-named “Holy Ghost Headquarters” during these times.

The first church building was erected in 1929.  Reverend Thomas raised the first $50.00 to get the church started.  He had a program called the Baseball Game by using the bible.  He walked to the lumber yard to purchase the lumber and worked faithfully on building the church.  He served as pastor until 1950.  At this time Reverend Sam Goodman served until 1954 when Reverend L.B. Love was elected and served for less than a year.  At which time Reverend F.G. McHenry was elected and served until 1962.  Under his leadership Reverend H. Scott was ordained as a minister.

The second church was built by carpenters Henderson Sprawls and Willie Bridges.  Reverend Daniel Monroe was then elected pastor and served until 1972.  Under his leadership more deacons were ordained and added to the board and many souls continued to confess Christ.

In 1972, Reverend Murphy Giles, Senior was elected pastor and served for 16 years.  During his leadership, the deacons serving with him were Deacons A.J. Garner, Bennie Davis, McHenry Williams, Earnest Winn, Samuel Johnson, Howard Ratliff, Joseph Ratliff, Earl Hardison, and Lamar Holden.  Deacon Lamar Holden was ordained as a minister and is now pastoring in Shreveport, Louisiana.  The church was renovated, new pews were purchased, public address system was added, many souls came forth accepting Christ, and a youth choir was formed just to mention a few of the many blessings that took place during this time in history under Rev. Gile’s leadership.

In June 1990 to January 2003, Reverend Moses Roland was called to serve as pastor of North Star and he continued to work for the growth of the church. To mention a partial list; we are in fellowship every Sunday, a Scholarship Fund, named the Pearl Payne Fund was established, a church van was purchased, young men and young women ministries organized and the building of this church structure, designed to seat a 90 member choir – 500 in sanctuary 300 in the Ben Johnson Fellowship Complex, Beauty Shop, and five additional class rooms, with handicap availability in all areas. 

In December, 2003 God sent us Bishop William B. Roberson, of Shreveport, LA. Dedicated to the call and the knowledge of Matthew 25:40, the church housed and cared for over 30 evacuees affected by Hurricane Katrina, and baptized seven from the New Orleans and surrounding areas in August 2005.  We have baptized and gained many members, licensed four ministers, and ordained one deacon.  Many ministries have been established and re-established under the leadership of Bishop Roberson.    The Youth department has flourished during the last few months with extra training toward junior deacons, deaconess, and youth ushers; along with an awesome youth choir that has traveled and made special guest appearances on various programs. The church has acquired a new van in which the young adult choir travels extensively from one fellowship to another as Bishop Roberson expounds on the word of God.  We are continuing to march on building unity on the Foundation of Jesus Christ.


734 Highway 485 Natchitoches (Powhatan), LA 71457 (318) 352-9856 Email us: Northstarmbc@yahoo.com Mailing address: P.O. Box 2647 Natchitoches, LA 71457

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